Monday, October 16, 2006


A big 'Mazel Tov!' goes out to UtRUs on what appears to be a 2nd pink line after a 5-day frozen transfer.

May you have only health and happiness during your pregnancy and a happy, healthy baby to bring into your family.

What a nice 'pick me up' from the drech I was feeling earlier.


YouGuysKnow said...

THANK YOU for your kind words and thoughts. just went to get blood drawn for the second Beta, so fingers crossed. anything can happen, as we all know.

all my fingers are crossed for you, too!

J.N. said...

Thanks for the encouragement!

Anything can happen - and we all know it has, but just try keep lots of positive thoughts and energy and keep your eye on the goal. :)

I have all my fingers and toesies crossed for ya too.