Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Its back up!

8 am temp = 98.0. *smile* *dance* That's good and HIGH for an 8am temp for me!!

Yeah, I know, it dont mean squat until the ultrasound and blood work, but - *dance* it was 98.0!!

Oh, yeah, and did I mention I'm still waking up at 6:30-7am-ish. My feeling is "Oh this is WAY to darned early for this crap!" and then I put my head back down and try to sleep for at least another hour... - my temp was 98.0 at 7am too before I put my head back down :)

I keep trying to use the ovulens to see if I can see any ferning patterns going on this late in the cycle (supposedly an indication of pregnancy... *shrug*) - but I'm having the DARNDEST time getting the hang of this sucker! I can program an operating system with my eyes shut, but I cant seem to discern if I see a 'ferning' pattern or not in my d*mned saliva! What is that?!

I'm systematically and thoroughly loosing the 'keep a good reality check going' thing. *sigh* It even occurred to me last night, since I'm going to be up by my dr's office today, ANYway, to see if they could move my appt up from Fri to today. Truth be told, though, as much as I'm dying to know, I'm scared as hell to find out. There's so much going on right now with DH leaving for Canada, the insurance changes that will happen when he does (unless he can convince them to 'work something out'), etc... I'm almost afraid that the lack of true PMSy signs (ie: lack of cramps at less than a week out from anticipated AF), etc is just because my body/mind are under some stress - no matter how much I try to dissipate the stress and keep it at bay, circumstances work against me in this.

I dont know what to do, honestly. Earlier appt and know for sure? Wait til Fri as scheduled? Beat my head against the wall for good measure?? (All very viable options!) About the only thing I'm NOT considering is PoaS. Go figure. Gotta be 'different', right?

As usual, for those keeping track...
Cd25 - 12dpt(trigger) - 10-11 dpo. (Fri = cd27 - 14 dpt - 12-13dpo)

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